X-Men Wiki
Team Information
Founder(s): None
Leader(s): None
Status: Active
Base(s) of Operations: None
First appearance: New X-Men Vol 1 125
Created by: Grant Morrison
Igor Kordey



The Mummudrai, also called Revenants, are a psychic energy wraith like race of extra-dimensional origin. They represent the perfected anti-self of every being they're born alongside of in the universe, a malicious and evil species hailing from the darkest regions of the Astral Plane called Underworld. The mummudrai have the inherent ability to manipulate genetic and cellular matter at a near biomolecular level to fabricate bodies of their own or hideously degrading the biophysical structure of others. They jealously long to reach the physical plane and usurp their counterparts place in it, many having access to mental powers on top of all they're twins fullest potential on hand. First seen in New X-Men #125 (June 2002).

The mummudrai are creatures composed of energy lattices. As such, focused EM pulses are able to scramble their form . Their existence was well known to the Shi'ar race (from a Shi'ar legend, meaning 'opposite') where they existed in their mythology as creatures of the anti-self that were destined to fight each living being within the womb before birth.

Several centuries ago, it was known to the Shi'ar Imperium that the Mummudrai of Ul'Var Urizen of Clan Ul'Var was taken by the Shi'ar who desired to use the creature as a weapon in a war they were losing against the Heptarchy, who intended to eliminate their foe in order to conquer their worlds. This Mummudrai called Ev Teel Urizen was extracted from its living host and dissected with psi-scalpels. The Shi’ar of this era managed to create an artificial Mummudrai based on Urizen's template that they called the Hecatomb. Hecatomb would devour the minds of living beings but leave it’s infrastructure intact. The weapon was used to eliminate the enemy but tconsuming minds led to Hecatomb becoming a rogue being that devoured anything in its path. During this time, Urizen's Mummudrai escaped from its containment fields but the fact that it was used as the basis for the Hecatomb led to the rogue superweapon following its trail.


Among the most infamous of the race of Mummudrai was the entity that took the name of Cassandra Nova. She was actually the Mummudrai counterpart of Charles Xavier with him killing her within the womb of his mother. However, the vast genetic potential of Xavier's genome meant that she was able to survive this act of destruction and build a body for herself that mimicked Human traits. The fact that she was Professor X's twin meant that she had all his abilities including to her own Mummudrai powers. Since that time, she spent her time plotting her vengeance against her twin for the attempt on her life. Eventually, in her body, she orchestrated the massacre at Genosha by unleashing Sentinels on the Mutant nation which led her into conflict with the X-Men in 2002. She was apparently defeated but had actually switched her mind and took Xavier as a host where she caused Lilandra Neramani to go insane leading to destruction to the Shi'ar empire. This Mummudrai would battle with the X-Men once more where Emma Frost tricked her into entering the body of the metamorph Stuff leading to its defeat.

Condition Critical[]



By 2007, the Mummudrai Ev Teel Urizen had travelled across vast interstellar distances whilst it attempted to escape the Hecatomb. However, the superweapon began consuming every mind in its path which led to Urizen heading towards Earth. Once there, it took residence within the mind of Regan Wyngarde also known as Lady Mastermind. When she went to Providence, she had a hypnotherapist to help her travel into her own mind where she encountered the mental walls created by the Mummudrai. Upon being discovered, Urizen attempted to escape by possessing Mystique but was confronted by Cable who subdued it. Recognizing it as a Mummudrai, Summers managed to communicate with it where he learnt that Urizen had travelled from the edge of Shi'ar space and was escaping from the Hecatomb that was coming to eat the world. Urizen had arrived with the intention of helping the X-Men defeat this threat by mind-merging with Nathan Summers where the two battled the Hecatomb until it was absorbed into the mind of Rogue.



  • Urizen


  • Cassandra Nova


  • None


  • None


  • Coming Soon


  • Coming Soon

